Mental Health Toolkit

Mental health & wellbeing for legal professionals:
The essential toolkit

Mental health and wellbeing is a growing concern within the legal profession, given the nature of the work required and the responsibilities of legal professionals. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges and changes which have affected the way legal professionals practice law.


Whilst talking about and seeking help for mental health has become more widely acceptable, the concept of wellbeing is still somewhat emergent, and often, an optional afterthought. 

Wellbeing is about finding balance in all aspects of a person’s life and involves a complex combination of mental, social and emotional factors that affect whether a person is able to develop a sense of comfort, health and happiness. Managing stress and mental health at work can help with ensuring we maintain a sense of wellbeing. 

Practical Law‘s latest toolkit guides users through 40+ Practical Law resources addressing mental health and wellbeing issues for the legal industry, and is essential reading for lawyers and their managers. You can access the toolkit now by registering on this page. 

What topics are covered?

  • personal effectiveness
  • benefits of effective communication
  • developing higher emotional intelligence
  • the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and wellbeing in the legal profession
  • the importance of making wellbeing a priority
  • managing stress and mental health at work
  • practising mindfulness

An added bonus

Additionally, the toolkit contains a bonus article about Imposter Syndrome, the silent struggle of the over-achieving lawyer, and includes strategies for overcoming self-doubt. 

The phenomenon of “imposter syndrome” is widespread among lawyers and left unchecked, can lead lawyers to burn out and leave their jobs, or the profession altogether. 

Here is an example of imposter syndrome in play: “Every time the phone rang, and it rang probably 20 times a day, I thought that this could be the phone call in which I would be exposed as a fraud. My colleague or my client would realise that I was not as smart or capable as they thought. They would finally realise that I had been pulling the wool over their eyes.

Download the complimentary toolkit to gain insightful perspectives, guidance, and helpful tips on how lawyers can manage their mental health and wellbeing, and how organisations can ensure their employees and legal departments are supported.

Download toolkit

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About the author:

Tyrilly Csillag

Head of Commercial and In-house, Practical Law

Tyrilly joined Practical Law from IBM, where she held the role of Managing Counsel for the A/NZ Legal Team supporting IBM’s consulting services, hardware, and software licensing transactions, with a special responsibility for Privacy, Data Incidents and Cybersecurity. She also managed lawyers practising in both the A/NZ and Asia Pacific legal teams. Tyrilly has extensive practical technology law experience, having negotiated multimillion-dollar private sector and government projects, reseller/channel partnerships agreements and resolved IT disputes. She has over 10 years’ commercial experience in both private practice and in-house, advising on IP and related litigation, as well as a strong knowledge of marketing law and media regulation from her time as in-house counsel at Foxtel.