MENA Corporate Knowledge Hub
Gain insights through our thought leadership content for Tax, Risk & Compliance and Global Trade in the Middle East and North Africa region including white papers, reports, interviews with subject-matter experts, and more.
Could internal compliance training place your company at risk?
To create a supportive environment requires the systematic and deliberate inculcation of a culture of compliance, a strong culture of ethical decision-making and behaviour, which helps to ensure that not only are all compliance obligations met but surpassed. Without this kind of diligence, compliance policies may not worth the paper on which they are written, and too many senior executives have realized this truth when it is too late to avoid censure.

Case Study: ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Compliance with Grant Thornton UAE
In this video, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting, and Global Trade Management for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Steve Kitching, Tax Advisory Partner at Grant Thornton UAE, as they discuss how his team simplified and improved the VAT process for their clients with Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Compliance.

Case Study: ONESOURCE Fast VAT with BDO
In this video, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting, and Global Trade Management for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Brian Conn, Regional VAT Partner for Saudi Arabia and UAE at BDO, as they discuss how BDO partnered with ONESOURCE Fast VAT to implement an automated VAT tool for their clients, increasing speed, efficiency, and achieving significant time savings.
Thomson Reuters provides a quick summary of the latest business trends, challenges & future outlook, as well as our suggested best practices on being prepared to confidently meet your VAT reporting and compliance needs.
Learn how a miscalculated VAT can be detrimental to your business, and how a simple invoice can be the solution to your problems.

VAT Health-check: its importance and impact on business – in partnership with Grant Thornton UAE
Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting, and Global Trade Management for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Steve Kitching, Tax Advisory Partner at Grant Thornton UAE, about the value of conducting a VAT Health Check now; and what companies can do to strengthen their VAT strategies in a dynamic tax landscape.

Thomson Reuters and Pagero: Strategic Partnership
To prepare businesses for end-to-end compliance, Thomson Reuters has joined forces with Pagero Group, the world’s largest open business network, to offer clients the combined capabilities of Pagero’s e-invoicing and continuous transaction control (CTC) services; and Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE tax determination and VAT compliance services.
Is your business prepared for a VAT audit?
Thomson Reuters reviews this to explore the importance of VAT audits, best practices that can be adopted, and areas needed to be focused by businesses to ensure their systems and VAT processes are compliant.

Tax landscape in the MENA region - in partnership with BDO
In this video, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting, and Global Trade Management for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Brian Conn, Regional VAT Partner for Saudi Arabia and UAE at BDO, about the day-to-day challenges that local companies face, as well as some insights gained – which can be applied in markets that are yet to launch their VAT regimes.
Future-proofing your business for VAT
How can a business ensure that their VAT processes are compliant and future-proof? Thomson Reuters cover this in the latest article, breaking down the trends, challenges, and steps businesses must take to be prepared and future-proof their businesses for VAT.

VAT in the GCC: Market landscape and future outlook – in partnership with Grant Thornton Bahrain
Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting and Global Trade Management for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters, shares his insights on the current market landscape with VAT implementation across the region, and the future outlook as the tax landscape continues to evolve.
Can blockchain close the VAT gap?
It’s critical to stay up to speed on the technology-driven developments that could re-shape the tax landscape in the future – including the role that new technologies like Blockchain could play in reducing the VAT gap and fighting VAT fraud.

Tax Perspectives in the GCC: Interview with the COO Network
As one of the founding members of the COO Network in the Middle East, Pierre Arman – also Thomson Reuter’s Market Development Lead for Tax, Accounting and Global Trade in Asia and Emerging Markets – speaks about what the C-suite should know when it comes to taxes in the MENA region.
Transition into the GCC's new VAT era
We answer the 10 most common questions that businesses ask about VAT in the GCC based on lessons learnt from implementation in 2018 – advising businesses on the steps they can take to overcome challenges, as well as explaining the consequences of not being ready.
VAT Implementation in the GCC: One Year On
Thomson Reuters reviews the first-year experience of VAT in the GCC region – key challenges faced, and lessons learnt which businesses in the remaining GCC countries can use as best practice when preparing for VAT implementation in their country.

Legal Perspective: VAT in KSA, Part 2
In part 2 of this video series, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead, Tax, Accounting & Global Trade Managing for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters speaks to Shiraz Khan, Head of Taxation at Al Tamimi & Company, discusses the developments on the VAT landscape in KSA, along with sharing practical advice to guide businesses further as this fiscal reform develops.

Legal Perspective: VAT in KSA - Part 1
In part 1 of the 2-part series, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead, Tax, Accounting & Global Trade Managing for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters speaks to Shiraz Khan, Head of Taxation at Al Tamimi & Company, to discuss the legal and technical implications of VAT on businesses in KSA.

Legal Perspective: VAT in Bahrain
VAT was introduced in Bahrain on the 1st January 2019, and with the legal landscape continuing to develop. business now have an understanding of the requirements, challenges and importance of filing compliant-VAT returns. Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead, Tax, Accounting & Global Trade Managing for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters speaks to Shiraz Khan, Head of Taxation at Al Tamimi & Company, to discuss the legal and technical implications of VAT on businesses in Bahrain.

Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead, Tax, Accounting & Global Trade Managing for Asia & Emerging Markets at Thomson Reuters speaks to Shiraz Khan, Head of Taxation at Al Tamimi & Company, to discuss the legal and technical implications of VAT on businesses in the UAE.

VAT Health check – will your processes and systems hold strong?
Now that companies in the UAE and KSA have experienced the first phase of VAT implementation, several process and technology challenges have come to light.
The impact of VAT on Investor Relations
As enterprises across the GCC begin to address the challenges of VAT implementation, their Investor Relations (IR) teams are tasked with carefully managing the impact that VAT management and compliance has on shareholder value.Our whitepaper explores this topic in detail.
The VAT adoption landscape in the GCC
The VAT Return Filing and Compliance Survey 2018 conducted by Thomson Reuters and ACCA aims to gauge how well companies in the UAE and KSA have fared to adapt to this fiscal reform.

VAT in the GCC: The journey so far
In this video, ACCA speaks to Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead - Tax and Accounting at Thomson Reuters, MENA to gain further perspective on what finance professionals across the GCC can learn from the UAE and KSA implementation, along with key considerations they can take into account now.

Filing VAT Returns: Thinking Beyond the First Year [Part 2]
Part 2 of a 2 part video with ACCA Middle East and Thomson Reuters MENA discussing perspectives on the last six months of VAT in the GCC.

Filing VAT Returns: Thinking Beyond the First Year
Part 1 of a 2 part video with ACCA Middle East and Thomson Reuters MENA discussing perspectives on the last six months of VAT in the GCC.
Will your systems deliver the data you need to produce your first VAT return in the GCC?
VAT is a priority issue for companies in the GCC as tax authorities have communicated that the VAT introduction deadline will be 2018 – giving companies in the GCC less than one year to prepare for VAT implementation.
The VAT and Free Zone Conundrum
Aurifer and Thomson Reuters have partnered on this whitepaper to discuss about Free Zones in the UAE, the impact of VAT on companies working within these zones, and how you should better navigate these complexities and challenges.
The impact of VAT on family-run businesses
EY and Thomson Reuters have partnered to discuss the impact of VAT on family-run businesses, the various opportunities and challenges that businesses may face, and how best to tackle these obstacles to be prepared for VAT implementation.
The impact of VAT on Islamic Finance
Deloitte Middle East and Thomson Reuters collaborated on this paper to discuss the potential impact of VAT on the provision of financial services in the GCC, and assess how such transactions could be treated in the upcoming VAT system. This paper will highlight global best practices in terms of the VAT treatment on Islamic Finance products which may be observed in the GCC.

Unpacking DMCC’s VAT Readiness Program
The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is a Dubai-based free zone that acts as a gateway to global trade – hosting over 14,000 businesses engaged in the trade of gold, diamonds, precious metals, food, tea and a range of other commodities.

Preparing for VAT as an E-Commerce SME
Pierre Arman, MENA Market Lead for Tax and Accounting at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Amanda Powell, CFO of the ME Digital Group, about getting ready for VAT as an SME in the e-commerce space, her views on how VAT will re-shape the way small digital businesses operate in the GCC, as well as her thoughts on establishing an e-commerce working group for VAT related issues in the region.

Using Global Best Practice to Guide VAT Compliance
Pierre Arman, MENA Market Lead for Tax and Accounting at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Nauman Asif, CFO of Bayt.com to explore this topic in more detail and provide guidance for those only just beginning their VAT journeys.

A Structured Approach to VAT Implementation
Learn how your business can use VAT preparation as an opportunity to improve corporate performance and financial transparency.

Managing your I.T requirements for VAT: Importance of Master Data
In the first video of ‘Managing your I.T requirements for VAT’ series, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax & Accounting, speaks to Stewart Nivison, Head of ONESOURCE Indirect Tax for MENA at Thomson Reuters, to understand the importance of Master Data.

Managing your IT requirements for VAT: The benefits of Transaction Mapping
Transaction mapping is a critical step in the requirements gathering phase, and entails appropriate governance, compliance and controls to be in place to accomplish this effectively.

Key steps to prepare for VAT in the GCC
In the third and final video of ‘Managing your IT requirements for VAT’ series, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax & Accounting, speaks to Stewart Nivison, Head of ONESOURCE Indirect Tax for MENA at Thomson Reuters, to understand the key steps organizations must undertake to prepare for VAT.

Final preparations for the GCC: Perspectives from Thomson Reuters and ACCA
With less than four months to go before VAT is implemented in the UAE and Saudi Arabia on 1 Jan 2018, the topic of VAT readiness is more so important than ever before.

Managing VAT in family owned businesses
In this video, Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax and Accounting at Thomson Reuters MENA speaks to Lindsay Degouve De Nunques, Head of ACCA Middle East, to provide further perspective on what family owned businesses can be doing now in order to ensure that they use the final month of the VAT implementation phase effectively to be VAT compliant by 1st of January 2018.
VAT Readiness Survey with ACCA 2017
Ascertaining the impact VAT will have on a business and the changes required is an essential step in any VAT implementation process. Once understood, an effective VAT compliance and management plan can be developed and put into action.
10 GCC VAT Questions you need to know
The introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) is a paradigm shift for countries and companies based in the Middle East. On the 2nd of March 2017, Bahrain announced it will be introducing VAT on the 1st of January 2018, following similar announcements made by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Oman earlier this year and in 2016.

How important is a VAT impact assessment for your business?
All six countries have now signed the GCC treaty for the implementation of VAT, which means businesses throughout the GCC need to start their VAT impact assessments to be ready for the changes. Rob Dalla Costa, Director of VAT at KPMG, explains to Pierre Arman, Market Development Lead for Tax & Accounting at Thomson Reuters MENA, why businesses should get underway with VAT preparations now.

The Evolving Tax Landscape in the GCC
The tax landscape in the GCC is set to evolve rapidly as governments seek new revenue streams. Ahead of the GCC VAT framework announcement, Dr. Nasser Saidi and Pierre Arman discuss what the introduction of VAT will mean for businesses and governments across the region.

With the introduction of VAT to the GCC as of 2018, businesses need to understand how best to prepare. And how can technology play a role throughout this period? Listen to Stewart Nivison, Global Head of Indirect Tax at Thomson Reuters, discuss how technology can streamline the process of VAT implementation.